

In a water pipeline where flow is generated by pressure leakage test is a very important thing, because if there is any leakage in pipeline system it may cause a serious damage. This leakage test is done by generating pressure for certain segment of a pipeline system. When test result is acceptable for different segment then test is performed for the total pipeline at a time. This article is mainly focused on the leakage test for a one kilometer ductile iron pipeline of 1200 mm diameter.  To perform the leakage test we have to follow some steps which are briefly described below;  First, we have to close the both sides of pipe by a pipe end cover. This end cover should be equally inserted all around the pipe and the joint should be mechanical type.         In the pictures workers are installing a end cap and jointing it with nuts and bolts ensuring no gasket failure. This operation should be done on both side of the segment. Second, w...

Protection Concrete

Today I will share some pictures about pipe protection work in under crossing. 1. 300 mm thick Plain concrete casting with C25 concrete before pipe laying. In this case ready mix concrete was used.                                                                                                                     2. After curing for 7 days start DI pipe laying. Must follow the safety rules during pipe laying.                                                                            ...

Air Valve Chamber Construction

How to construct a Air Valve Chamber? Air valve in water pipeline construction is generally placed in higher position to release air maintaining the water flow through pipe smooth. Here I will tell you about the construction method of air valve chamber in case Ductile Iron Pipe. For your better understanding I have shared pictures of construction work with details. 1. Installation of All Socket Tee: First we have install the all socket tee DI pipe and joint a cutting pipe with tee. From center of tee pipe keep at least 3m clear to both sides for the ease of form setting work. After installation check the elevation of pipe and to maintain it use heavy sheet pile or H-beam and wire to hold the tee pipe.   2. After that start form setting around the Tee for concrete casting. The casting dimension is 2.2m x 2.2m x 1.7m. Keep 300mm clear at the bottom of pipe. 3. Concrete casting with C25 concrete.   ...