What is Collar Joint in DI Pipeline construction?
Collar joint is a type of joint which is generally used in case of DI Pipeline construction. The components of collar joint are; 1. Collar, 2. T-head bolts, 3. Gland 4. Rubber Gasket. Generally when there are different contractors work on a large pipeline construction or during bridge, culvert crossing it is not possible to carry on the work at same time which results in different segment of a same pipeline. To joint those segments we need to use collar. For this joint, it is necessary to maintain same elevation and alignment on both sides of the joint otherwise joint can not be done. To do this we need to expose both side when there is about at least 30m gap. During collar joint there are some checks we must have to perform which are gasket check, joint gap checking which is should be less than 5mm.
Collar joint is a type of joint which is generally used in case of DI Pipeline construction. The components of collar joint are; 1. Collar, 2. T-head bolts, 3. Gland 4. Rubber Gasket. Generally when there are different contractors work on a large pipeline construction or during bridge, culvert crossing it is not possible to carry on the work at same time which results in different segment of a same pipeline. To joint those segments we need to use collar. For this joint, it is necessary to maintain same elevation and alignment on both sides of the joint otherwise joint can not be done. To do this we need to expose both side when there is about at least 30m gap. During collar joint there are some checks we must have to perform which are gasket check, joint gap checking which is should be less than 5mm.